Educating Disadvantaged & Underprivileged Children Around The Earth
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Support Our Organization 

There are a number of ways that you can support our organization!
The main way is to sponsor a child! It costs only $10 a month - so, this step is within the financial reach of most. Of course, benefactors can also donate a general dollar amount.
To find out more about sponsoring a child, please email educate_now@ymail.com, or call 215 808 0287
A quick, easy, and free way to help our organization is through GoodSearch.

About GoodSearch: GoodSearch donates 1/2 the money it gets from a search query to selected non-profits!
How You Can Help: Go to GoodSearch.com, and search 'EDUCATE (Wynnewood, PA)' in "Who Do You Good Search For?" Then, you can just search through GoodSearch like you would through any search engine!
For maximum convenience: Download the GoodSearch toolbar [under "Never Miss Another Donation" on the left panel], and you can GoodSearch without going through website!
Please help EDUCATE!